Street Fighter 3

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7.Street Fighter 3

In Street Fighter 3, what you get is a good put-together greatest hits version of the popular game, which takes the material it emulates, and goes a few steps further. You have the opportunity to play as one of three popular characters from the classic franchise. Leading the pack is the tried and true Ken, who will perform his hadoukens and his hurricane kicks as wonderfully as he does in the console and arcade titles.
Alex is also one of the three characters that you can dish out the pain with. Rounding out the trio is the mysterious Twelve, the shape shifting creation that arose from antagonist Gill's G-Project. Twelve can manipulate his body to deal damage in the best situations.

This Street Fighter clone goes the extra mile. There are five main characters that you can fight, not including the bounty fighters that you can pursue. And best of all, the game weaves light RPG mechanics in deftly as well. In Martial Training, you can increase your skills to allow a better balance against some harder foes. A quintet of abilities can be raised at your leisure, whether you want to increase your kinetic energy, which lets you perform special abilities, or your stamina, which gives you the chance to perform more basic moves without being winded.

Arrow Keys = Move
S = Low punch
D = medium punch
F = high punch
X = Low kick
C = medium kick
V = high kick

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